
Go therefore and make disciples of all nations

Matthew 28:19

Rachel Bosket - International Missions Director

Rachel Bosket is the International Missions Director of Convergence Church at WFCF. She is uniquely qualified to oversee and direct our church's international outreach efforts. Rachel was on the mission field at an early age as a teenager with her parents, Pastors Mike and Patty Welch in Jamaica for several years. She has served with YWAM (Youth With a Mission) in the nations, and she has been to many nations to minster the gospel and the love of Christ including China, Austria, Peru, Bolivia, Uganda, Dominican Republic, Morocco, Cameroon, England, Wales Germany, India and Canada.  She has both been on trips, as well as led teams and planned trips to the nations. She has a passion for Christ and to see the nations reached with the gospel and the love of Christ. She is a fiery intercessor and prophetic voice, but is also full of the love and compassion of Christ, and God uses her powerfully which is a rare quality. She truly has the heart of the Father. Rachel is also the Director of Missions Training for God with Us International Ministries.

Our Missions Trips

We have a mandate as a church to go to the nations. Although we are small in numbers, we have taken teams or sent individuals to Peru, Belize, India, Uganda, Kenya, Ukraine, and Costa Rica, just to name a few nations we have gone to. These have been powerfully impacting times for those who have gone, as well as those we have been privileged to minister to. We have formed partnerships and friendships which other ministers in these nations to see the gospel come to their people as well as to support the local ministries in their efforts. We have ministered in the cities and gone to remote villages. We have ministered in schools and orphanages and support a local orphanage in India. We continue to look for future opportunities to go to the nations again.

Missions We Support

We believe in supporting missions and missionaries both locally and worldwide. Our church provides support to numerous ministries monthly that are doing great work for the kingdom. We wanted to let you know where you can find more information about the work we are sowing into each month, so we are providing links to some of the ministries below. In addition, you can see newsletters from these missions on the bulletin board in the church in the upstairs hallway.

Michael Price - YWAM (https://ywam.org)
Michael Price has travelled the world as a missionary spreading the gospel and the love of Christ. He has given his life to Jesus and the spreading of the good news of the gospel of the kingdom. He has worked with YWAM for decades and continues to do so. He has not only gone to the nations, but he has discipled and raised up young missionaries and launched them onto the mission field as well.

Josh & Lori Linser - YWAM (https://ywam.org)
Josh & Lori lived in Afghanistan for 2 years working with an NGO who focused on educating women, health and hygiene, and clean drinking water. After that they worked with a YWAM campus in Germany and helped them get a missions school off the ground. They came back to the states when Lori was pregnant. They have had a variety of different roles throughout the years, most of them have been around Business as Missions (BAM). In 2014, Josh completed culinary school. Since then, God has opened doors for him to travel and help over 6 different restaurants, in 4 different countries. These restaurants exist to advance the Kingdom of God, through business. Right now, Josh has been developing an online BAM seminar. He is overseeing the seminar and has over 9 students that are in 6 different countries.  

Devin & Jessica Grome - European Initiative (https://www.europeaninitiative.com)
Devin and Jess lead EI's mission base in Budapest, Hungary. Hungary is home to EI’s second base of operations and is a strategic part of our European ministry. EI has been mobilizing teams to Hungary since its inception in 2007.  They mobilize teams of Christians and respected leaders to partner with European churches to advance God's Kingdom in Europe. Teams focus on one or more of EI's 5 initiatives: evangelism, compassion, teaching, prayer, and Jewish ministry.

Paul & Karen Whitley - Invading the Darkness (https://www.invadingthedarkness.com)
For over 35 years, Invading the Darkness has been assisting leaders on five different continents. We do not exist to establish ministry but rather to come alongside established ministries and make it possible for them to accomplish their God-given vision and purpose.
 Working for more than 19 years in Eastern Europe and the former Soviet Union, Paul and Karen Whitley came alongside church leaders in Romania, Russia, Ukraine, Poland and many other nations. A host of both men and women call them Mom and Dad and they are highly respected for their love and skill in preaching the Word of God with passion.
Presently, they are working primarily in Bolivia. Here they assist local pastors, providing them with not only spiritual needs but physical needs as well. They also are working with First Nations in Canada. They have built relationships with different tribes of the Cree, the Algonquin and Cold Lake First Nations.
As veteran missionaries, they feel a mandate to raise up a generation of young missionaries that will take the Gospel to other nations. Bolivians as well as nationalities from all of South America are intense on taking the Gospel to Islamic nations. Paul and Karen are being used by God to help train and equip these young missionaries through Bible schools, missionary conferences and seminars.

Bill Otten - Lifeline International (https://www.reachourworld.com)
Lifeline International, Inc. exists for the promotion of the gospel of Jesus Christ around the world. We serve as a mission’s resource ministry providing equipment, literature, finances, and many other forms of practical help for God's Kingdom advancement.
They do this by:
Evangelizing – fulfilling the great commission to preach the Gospel to every creature.
·     Outreach Ministry to schools, Street Ministry, Crusades, and Church Planting
Empowering – Networking with international ministries for making disciples.
·      Bible Schools, Seminars, Church Workers Conferences, and Youth Conferences
 Equipping – Providing vital goods and services for the advancement of the Gospel.
·      Bibles and Literature, Electronic and Musical Equipment ,Bicycles, motorcycles, and automobiles for local pastors and missionaries, Construction needs of local churches, and Financial support for         national evangelists, church planters, and missionaries.

Pastor Finny and Eunice in India - God with Us Ministries International
Pastor Finny and Eunice hold church planting crusades in the Andhra Pradesh province. He is the Apostle who oversees 80 God With Us International (GWUI) churches. He is the Director of GWUI School of Ministry, which has had 149 students graduate from the school. They are a Spiritual son and daughter of Pastors Mike and Patty. They also run an orphanage which cares for over 70 children. They also minister to remote fishing villages.

Light of the World School - Plumkor Community, Brewerville City, Liberia
The Light of the World School provides an education to 160 children who would otherwise have no education. They provide lunch to the students who otherwise might go hungry. The school also houses numerous students at the school who would otherwise have no place to stay.

City Gospel - Cincinnati (https://www.citygospelmission.org)
Founded by James N. Gamble of Procter & Gamble in 1924, City Gospel Mission helps people who are homeless and hurting break the cycle of poverty and despair … one life at a time. We engage, equip and empower those in need with the spiritual, emotional, mental, and physical skills and resources to achieve long-term life transformation and self-sufficiency. Our proven programs and services are centered on caring, personal relationships focused in four key service areas: food and shelter, recovery, at-risk youth, and job readiness and placement.

Life Forward (https://www.lifeforwardcincy.org)
Life Forward is a gospel centered ministry that was founded in 1984 and helps women and their families make life-affirming decisions through God’s love. They offer consultation on options, pregnancy testing, ultrasounds, referrals to community services, and education and support to expectant parents. They have locations in Clifton, Loveland, and Springdale.
Bridge the Gap Ministries (https://bridgethegap.net)
The ministry is lead by Evangelist James Turner. They are passionate about reaching the lost, preaching the Gospel to the poor, rescuing women from the life of drugs and prostitution, to plant inner city churches in the most dangerous, darkest, and drug-infested areas of Ohio. They feed and minister to the poor under the 3rd Street overpass every Monday and Thursday night, and they have planted inner city ministries in Cincinnati Ohio, Blanchester Ohio, Hamilton Ohio, Fairfield Ohio, Covington Kentucky, Lexington Kentucky, Detroit Michigan, Tucson Arizona, and in Phoenix Arizona. These ministries are thriving and have reached and ministered to over 1/2 million people just within the past 15 years. They continue to work with churches in the region to set up Dinner Churches to touch the lives of those in need. 
Tikkun Global (https://www.tikkunglobal.org/vision)
Tikkun Global is a GLOBAL family contending for revival and restoration from Jerusalem, Judea, Samaria to the ends of the earth and back again. They are dedicated to the dual restoration of Israel and the Church. We believe this dual restoration will lead to the coming of the Kingdom of God on earth and the restoration of all things.
To help achieve this goal, they seek to:
  • Spread the global vision of the Kingdom of God in every nation.
  • Partner with friends from around the world who share this vision.
  • Help build up the Messianic remnant in Israel in all its dimensions.
  • Establish a ministry base and team in Jerusalem to help facilitate this vision.
Tikkun Global has a twofold vision: To Israel and to the nations. We are a global family, contending for the Acts 1:8 and 3:19-21 vision of revival and restoration from Jerusalem, Judea, Samaria to the ends of the earth and back again to Israel. They seek to partner with believers from all over the world to this end. God's One New Man (Eph. 2:15), His Olive Tree (Rom. 11) is made up of Israel and the nations, and when we come together in Yeshua, blessing will follow (Ps. 133).
God with Us International Ministries
God With Us Ministries International is an international apostolic missions ministry which was established by Bishop Mike Welch.  It includes the work of 80+ churches, a Bible training center, and an orphanage with 72 children in India. This ministry has birthed 8 Bible training centers in Bolivia, South America. It also has an apostolic presence with ministries in Uganda and Kenya as God continues to expand Kingdom connections.