Our Story

How it all started...

Convergence Church was originally birthed as West Fork Christian Fellowship Int'l by our apostolic leadership, Dr. Mike and Patty Welch. In 2003, Mike was asked to step in as Interim Pastor at Cornerstone Fellowship in Cincinnati, Ohio. After several months as Interim Pastor, the Holy Spirit encouraged Mike and Patty to inquire if there was interest in establishing a new work out of the old work and birthing West Fork Christian Fellowship Int'l with Mike as the Senior Pastor and Patty as co-Pastor. With Holy Spirit's confirmation, West Fork Christian Fellowship Int'l was birthed in July of 2004.
The church reflected Mike and Patty's commitment to developing healthy relationships in the body as well as a strong apostolic desire for the nations. Mike exhibited a father's heart and a tremendous desire to see the lost redeemed and prodigals restored. Because he believed that the church has an absolute responsibility to equip every believer for the work of the ministry through the Ephesians 4 ministry model, he taught foundational kingdom principles to the congregation, seeing them grow in knowledge while demonstrating the power of the gospel to change lives and allowing the Holy Spirit freedom to flow in church services.
Mike ministered across the nations and established spiritual sons and daughters around the world. He established God With Us Ministries, an international apostolic missions ministry, which includes the work of 80+ churches, a Bible training center, and an orphanage with 72 children in India. This ministry has birthed 8 Bible training centers in Bolivia, South America. Sharing the same heart for the nations, the church continued a strong missions mandate, sending teams to Peru, Belize, India, and Bolivia.

Expanding the vision...

In February 2021, Daniel and Kimberly Maloy were set in place as the Lead Pastors of West Fork Christian Fellowship Int'l as Mike and Patty Welch stepped fully into their apostolic calling. There was an elevation of the church at this time as the leadership team stepped into higher callings. In response to this, the name of the church was changed to Convergence Church at WFCF, based on the scriptures Isaiah 60:1-5 and Micah 4:1-2. Convergence is when two or more things come together to form a new whole. It's the act of converging, especially toward unity or uniformity. It comes from the prefix con - meaning together and the verb verge, which means to turn toward. As we turn toward God, we come together and are united as part of His Body. It is a picture of the church, with all people coming together, converging, as a community of believers to glorify God in worship as we love God and love people. We grow in the knowledge of Him and become conformed to His image as we apply the truth of His word from anointed teaching about the kingdom of God to our lives. As we leave, we go out into the community, city, nation, and the nations and share His love and his truth and manifest His Kingdom with those around us so that their lives can be transformed as we gather the harvest together.

This is an apostolic, prophetic house with the convergence of prophecy, worship, and prayer being released powerfully to impact the surrounding community, the tri-state area, and the nations. There is a convergence of the different callings and giftings here that flow together, each edifying the other. The church has established strong discipleship with In Christ Image and other training classes being taught, and has a strong family/community bond with each other as we share our lives together. We are connecting with area ministries and churches to work together for the kingdom to impact lives locally while still maintaining an international impact through overseas missions trips and ministry.

Where we are headed...

The church will continue to grow in making disciples and become an equipping center for the body and the Body of Christ with the nations coming to join us and be equipped. We envision a diverse community of believers from all nations, ethnic groups, and backgrounds coming together as one. We will continue to develop deeper training in many areas to equip believers for the works of ministry so that the world can be changed and transformed. We are moving toward seeing the Book of Acts pattern of the Church reestablished as a community of believers who are devoted to the apostle's teachings, are devoted to fellowship with God and each other, sharing their lives together, having all things in common, and are committed to prayer, in order to see multitudes saved daily, the power of God manifested, and cities and nations transformed. Along these lines, we also have a vision to establish a ministry house where people will live with us for a season as we pour into their lives on a daily basis, allowing for more intensive, focused discipleship for each individual.

There is a tangible manifest presence of God in our church, but we are seeking to go deeper in intimacy and union with Jesus in prayer, worship, and relationship and to establish a well that the nations will flow to, drink deeply from, and be refreshed, healed, and filled. Prayer will be established in the church at deeper levels with teams to mature believers equipped to contend for His Kingdom to be manifested on the earth. We see the church reaching deep into the city and the nations to establish new relationships with others in the Body of Christ to work together to see people encounter the life and love of Jesus and receive Him as their Savior. The arts and creativity will be cultivated in the church as Holy Spirit leads and teaches through painting, writing, drama, worship, and other avenues.

Be a part of our story...

Join us every Sunday as we gather to worship together a 10:30 am.