Resources, Services & Businesses

We often need services but don't know where to find them. Below is a list of different businesses or services we can recommend because we know the people who run them and see that they offer quality services or products.

We will continue to add to this list as we find more services or businesses to recommend.
If you need assistance but don't know where to find it? The Relink website has a massive searchable database of available resources in our area. Click this link to find out where help can be found:

Red Cross First Aid/CPR/AED Certification—Pastor Daniel Maloy (Classes offered through the church). Blended learning classes are offered every month from 1 pm to 3 pm on the fourth Saturday of every month. The cost is $75/person, and you must register and pay on the church app or the calendar page. If you want to schedule a class, contact Pastor Daniel at

Paintings and Drawings - Pastor Kim Maloy
You can contact her at
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